Incorporate at least 3 light sources in your room.

Home Office Lighting: More and more people are working from home, and if you’re working from home you know how important it is to have a space that energizes, motivates and keeps you productive. Recessed lights can be a great option, but consider your computer monitor and ensure your light doesn’t cast a reflection on your screen. A desk task lamp is important here to help you when writing, reading or sketching. Depending on your job, you might have some achievements to hang on the wall. Art if you’re an artist, diplomas, or maybe just an inspiring piece. Consider accent lighting to help create draw attention to the peice or create a focal point.

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The key is to consider everything you want to do in the space, and ensure the lighting you select helps facilitate that, and having it look good never hurts.


 Incorporate at least 3 light sources in your room.

This is a doozy isn’t it. Most people stop at recessed lights or the overhead light. I get it, most overhead lights are on dimmers, you can blast the light or dim it to the perfect romantic vibe (wow, I got romance on the brain don’t I?).
The thing is, is all well-designed spaces incorporate different types of light. Combining all types of light gives greater functionality, interest, and the likelihood that you will have sufficient lighting. Like everything there are exceptions to every rule, in general though, use this as a rule of thumb and do your best to incorporate three sources when it makes sense.
There are four basic types of lighting that you can consider to get three light sources in your space; ambient lighting, task lighting, accent lighting, and decorative lighting.
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